Page 26 - 彰化縣議會18屆
P. 26
鹿 港 鎮
Lukang Town
第2選舉區 福 興 鄉
Fusing Township
秀 水 鄉
Hsiushui Township
Election District 2
鹿港鎮 Lukang Township 彰化縣行政區域圖
There’ s an old
建築古色古香,為極具特色觀光重鎮,遊客慕名而來。 saying “First Tain an,
傳統民俗工藝技藝精湛,成為台灣「藝術薪傳獎」得主 second Lukang and third
Bangka”. Traditional buildings
full of classic beauty can be spotted
文開書院等著名古蹟及特色廟宇。鹿港糕餅及蚵仔煎、 everywhere, which makes Lukang
蝦猴等特色小吃,深受遊客喜愛。 Township a tourism attraction and many
tourists come for visiting. Traditional folk
crafts are well preserved, making Lukang
鹿港/天后宮 home of Taiwan Art Heritage Award
Lukang/Tianhou Temple winners and the beauty of heritage
crafts is everywhere. Tourists
love traditional cakes, oyster
omelets and mud shrimps
very much.
“Lukang Township”
鹿港/老街 鹿港/端午節龍舟賽
24 Lukang/Old Street Lukang/Dragon Boat Competition on
Dragon Boat Festival