Page 92 - 彰化縣議會18屆
P. 92

願景               “ Vision”

                      「縣民的幸福未來,交在我們手上!」彰化                                    “We are responsible to create a bright future full
                                                                       of happiness for all people living in Changhua County!”
                 縣議會走過一甲子風華歲月,歷經篳路藍縷,時                                 Changhua County Council has been around for over

                 代淬鍊,但不變的是秉持理性監督縣政、以縣民                                 60 years of ups and downs and endless challenges.
                                                                       However, the spirit to supervise the county policies
                                                                       rationally  and  harmoniously  to  build  up  the  best
                 的氣氛下,共謀縣政發展。                                          developments for the well-being of all people living in
                      肩負130萬名縣民的託付,縣議會建立與民                             Changhua County will remain unchanged.
                                                                            Shouldering  the  trust  of  1.3  million  citizens  in
                 良好溝通的平台,伸張民意、為民喉舌,落實民                                 Changhua County, Changhua County Council will build a
                 主政治,追求卓越。                                             well-channeled platform to communicate with all citizens
                                                                       and make their voices heard to make democracy work
                      作為監督縣政的領航者,彰化縣議會將持續                              and commit to excellence.
                 帶領全體議員同仁,以新思維與新觀念,精準反                                      Being the harbinger to supervise county policies,
                                                                       Changhua  County  Council  will  keep  leading  all
                                                                       councilors, with new thinking and new ideas, to make
                                                                       public opinions heard and to do its best to create a
                                                                       prosperous Changhua County full of happiness.

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