Page 29 - 彰化縣議會第19屆ebook211112
P. 29
Lukang/Changhua Coastal Industrial Park
Lukang Township
福興/乳牛彩繪村 福興/酪農業 福興/福興穀倉
Fusing/Cattle Painted Village Fusing/Dairy Farming Fusing/Fuxing Barn
福興鄉 Fusing Township Fusing Township
福興鄉位在舊濁水溪出海口,農漁業都相當發 Fusing Township is situated at the estuary of the
達,養殖業以鰻魚與文蛤為主;農產品以西瓜、豌豆 Old Jhuoshei River. Both agriculture and fishery are
well developed. Eels and clams are chief aquacultural
最為有名。鄉內福寶酪農專業區乳牛養殖居全臺之 products while watermelons and peas are the most famous
冠,福寶村更結合產業特色,打造乳牛彩繪村。在工 agricultural products. The number of cattle bred at Fubao
業發展上,則擁有福興及彰化濱海兩處工業區,帶動 Specialized Zone is second to none in Taiwan, which
當地經濟發展。 leads to the creation of Cattle Painted Village. In terms
of industrial development, Fusing Industrial Zone and
Changpin Industrial Zone help boost local economy. 25