Page 93 - 彰化縣議會第20屆議會簡介_電子書
P. 93

Date of   Date of    Number of          Deputy
               Term Election Day              Tenure         Speaker                               Remark
                             Inauguration expiration  Councilors      Speaker
                1     1951.    1951.   1953.  2 years  69    Lai, Wei-  Wu, Tsai-  The address of council was at Changhua city Chungshan Hall
                     Jan.21    Feb.4   Feb.21                 Chung     Kun
                                                                               On June 2, 1954, the Speaker Mr. Lai resigned due to a new position
                2     1953.    1953.   1955.  2 years   72   Lai, Wei-  Wu, Tsai-  as commissioner in provincial government, On July 11, Mr. Yang was
                      Feb.8    Feb.21  Feb.21                 Chung     Kun    the speaker after re-election.
                                                                               (1)  The tenture was changed to 3 years.
                      1955.    1955.   1958.                  Yang,   Lu, Chun-  (2)  The building of new meeting hall was resolved to build in this
                3    Jan.16    Feb.21  Feb.21  3 years  77   Chun-Mu   Chieh     term. Choosing Changhua Park as the new location. Breaking the
                                                                                 ground on December 11, 1957.
                4    Jan.19    Feb.21  Feb.21  3 years  81  Chou, Tien- Chen, Shih-  The construction of new meeting hall was started on June 16, 1960.
                      1961.    1961.   1964.                           Hsiao,   The new meeting hall was finished on March 31, 1962. The new
                5    Jan.15    Feb.21  Feb.21  3 years  65   Hung, Tiao  Po-Chou  office was available on April 23.
                      1964.    1964.   1968.                Chen, Shih- Wu, Wang-
                6    Jan.23    Feb.21  Feb.21  4 years  58     Ying    Hsiung  The tenture was changed to 4 years.
                                                                               (1)  The tenure of this term was extended one year and 2 months
                                                                                 longer under the law.
                7    Jan.23    Feb.21  May.1  5 years 2   56  Wu, Wang- Huang, Wen-  (2)  The speaker, Mr. Wu, got a new position of being a member of
                                                                                 the National Assembly and resigned on January 31, 1973. Deputy
                                                                                 Speaker, Mr. Huang, substituted the position.
                8    Mar.17    May.1   Dec.30  4 years 8   54  Wen-Yao  Chen, Huo-  The tenure of this term was extended 8 months longer under the
                                                                               (1)  Starting to build the council hall on November 23, 1970, and
                9     1977.    1977.   1982.  4 years 2   54  Huang,   Chen, Shao-  finished on November 4, 1980.
                     Nov.19    Dec.30  Mar.1  months         Wen-Yao    Hui    (2)  The tenure of this term was extended 2 months longer under the
                      1982.    1982.   1986.                  Chen,   Huang, Chin-
                10   Jan.16    Mar.1   Mar.1  4 years  52    Shao-Hui   Tsai
                      1986.    1986.   1990.                  Chen,   Hsieh, Shih-
                11   Jan.16    Mar.1   Mar.1  4 years  53    Shao-Hui   Ku
                12    1990.    1990.   1994.  4 years  53     Hsieh,   Tu, Chuan-
                     Jan.20    Mar.1   Mar.1                  Shih-Ku  Chung
                      1994.    1994.   1998.                 Pai, Hung-  Hsiao,   Announced and executed Province/County Autonomy Law on July
                13   Jan.29    Mar.1   Mar.1  4 years  54      Sen   Ching-Tien  29, 1994.
                14    1998.    1998.   2002.  4 years  54    Pai, Hung-  Hsiao,   Announced and executed Local System Law on January 25, 1999.
                     Jan.24    Mar.1   Mar.1                   Sen   Ching-Tien
                      2002.    2002.   2006.                 Pai, Hung-  Hsiao,
                15   Jan.26    Mar.1   Mar.1  4 years  54      Sen   Ching-Tien
                                                                              (1)  Council Speaker Bai was dismissed on April 2,2009, and Hsieh,
                                                                                Dian-Lin was elected to fill in the vacancy of Council Speaker via
                      2005.    2006.   2010.                 Pai, Hung-  Hsiao,   an additional election held on 23rd June.
                16    Dec.3    Mar.1   Mar.1  4 years  54      Sen   Ching-Tien  (2)   Hsiau, Ching-Tien designed on 1st February 2008 to take the
                                                                                post of legislator, and Yang, Fu-Ti was elected to fill in the vacancy
                                                                                of Deputy Council Speaker via an additional election held on 1st
                                                                                February 2008.
                                                                              (1)  The tenure of this term was extended nine months and 25 days
                                                                                longer under the law.
                17    2009.    2010.   Dec.25  4 years 9   54  Dian-Lin  Ming-Chih  (2)  Deputy Speaker Bai left his post on the of October 4,2011. His
                                                                                position was filled by Hsu, Yuan-Long on March 27, 2012 through
                                                                                an election.
                18  2014.Nov.29  2014.  2018.  4 years  54    Hsieh,   Hsu,Yuan-
                               Dec.25  Dec.25                Dian-Lin   Long
                19  2018.Nov.24  2018.  2022.  4 years  54    Hsieh,   Hsu,Yuan- His original name is Hsieh Dian-Lin, which he changed on January
                               Dec.25  Dec.25                Dian-Lin   Long  23, 2019.
                20  2022.Nov.26  2022.  2026.  4 years  54    Hsieh,   Hsu,Yuan-
                               Dec.25  Dec.25                Dian-Lin   Long
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