Page 12 - 彰化縣議會18屆
P. 12
全力以赴 樹立民意典範
“ I Would Do My Best to Set a Good Example
for Public Opinions”
「世界萬千變化,唯有服務熱忱的心 “Though the world changes every day, I would keep
the enthusiasm to serve the people.” I always encourage
myself that we as a whole work together to make the
city progress. During this process, people express their
了縣政與民眾之間的最佳橋梁,也肩負起縣 opinions through a public opinions platform and elective
民託付的重任,而身為民意代表唯有保持熱 representatives become the best bridge between the
county policies and the people. Elective representative
must shoulder the huge responsibilities for the people.
Only by keeping the enthusiasm , can we make Changhua
秉持「體察民意、苦民所苦、以民為 County better and better.
尊、為民爭利」精神,與同仁們共勉之,使 I sincerely hope all fellow councilors can hold the
spirit that we should know what people think and suffer,
respect them and make their hopes happen to make
Changhua County Council a real platform of public
opinions expression.