Page 36 - 彰化縣議會第19屆ebook211112
P. 36

Election District 3 Councilor Introduction  第3選區議員簡介

              伸港鄉 Shenkang Township                                    With  a reputation of “Land of Fish and  Rice”,

                                                                   Shengang Township produces abundant agricultural
                  舊名「溪口厝」,擁有「魚米之鄉」美譽的伸港                            products, featuring in garlic, onions and peanuts. Situated
              鄉,農漁業物產豐饒,農產品以蒜頭、洋蔥、花生較                              at the estuary of the Dadu River, Shengang has a large
              具特色。在大肚溪入海口處,有一大片潮間帶濕地,                              swath of intertidal wetland with a rich biodiversity, in which
                                                                   oyster farms and fiddler crabs can be spotted, earning
                                                                   Shengang such reputations as “the Hometown of Water
              伸港擁有「水鳥的故鄉」、「臺灣招潮蟹的故鄉」等                              Birds” and   “the Hometown of Fiddler Crabs”

                Shenkang  Township

                                                                             伸港/蚵田風光 Shenkang/Glamorous Oyster Farm
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