Page 10 - 彰化縣議會第20屆議會簡介_電子書
P. 10
議│長│序 Preface of County Council Speaker
Towards a Technological Future
Sail to a Brighter and More Beautiful Future
典林承蒙鄉親及議會同仁的支持,有 Thanks to the supports of the county residents and
all council comrades, I got re-elected as the Speaker
in a row. I would keep supervising the county policies
監督縣政、掌握縣民的需求,促進全縣的永 with a broad view and fulfill the county residents’ needs
續發展。 to make the sustainable development for Changhua
County happen!
Changhua County is the biggest county behind
the six metropolitan cities. Besides taking the initiative
代、不同族群的意見,整合成為彰化縣持續 to speak for all county residents, I would pay attention
發展的動力,使本縣能夠邁向科技縣,蓄積 to opinions from different generations and groups
and integrate them to make Changhua County move
toward a county full of high technologies.
典林身為議長,致力營造理性和諧的 Being the County Speaker, I would try my best
問政環境,充份發揮全縣最高民意殿堂的功 to maintain a harmonious relationship between
the County Council and the Changhua County
Government. What's more, I would make the most
of the County Council. I sincerely hope all I do today
would end up tomorrow’s pride.
彰化縣議會 議長