Page 12 - 彰化縣議會第20屆議會簡介_電子書
P. 12
副│議│長│序 Preface of Deputy Speaker
Feel the Pulse of Society
Keep the Harmony between the Government and the
Council with the Benefits of the County Citizens in Mind
人生以服務為目的,增進縣民的 The purpose of life is to serve others. My original intention
to be a councilor is to seek the best welfare for the county
residents. Thanks to the supports of the county residents and
及議會同仁的支持,使原龍得以繼續 all council comrades, I got elected as Deputy Speaker in a row.
連任副議長,將盡最大的力量,協助 I will try my best to help the Speaker to better communication
between the Changchun County Government and the Changhua
Council to make Changhua a happy county.
The society nowadays moves forward very fast. We have to
當今社會進步快速,必須隨時掌 understand the pulse of the social developments as well as get
握時代發展的脈動,深入瞭解縣政, hold of the guide lines of the Changhua County Government to
balance the developments of Changhua County.
Changhua County has a well-developed agriculture. It’s
彰化縣農業發達,也是傳統產業 also the hometown of many transitional industries. I sincerely
的故鄉,期盼府會共同努力,營造良 hope, through the cooperations between the Changhua County
Government and Changhua Council, to build a better investment
and living environment to attract the young generation to return
鄉就業、共創繁榮。 home to work to make Changhua County more prosperous!
彰化縣議會 副議長