Page 29 - 彰化縣議會第20屆議會簡介_電子書
P. 29

Lukang Township

            鹿港/龍山寺 Lukang/Lungshan Temple

              福興鄉 Fuxing Township                                                       The immigrants from Fujian in the early
                                                                                   days  named  it  Fuxing.  The  Taiwan  Strait  is
                                                                                   just to the west With eels and clams being its
                早年居民由福建移民而來,而取名福興鄉,西濱臨臺灣海                                          main fish products, Fuxing has a flourishing
                                                                                   aquaculture.The dairy cattle breeding capacity
                                                                                   of  the  Fubao  Dairy  Specialized  Zone  is  the
            殖居全臺之冠。由濕地規劃而成的福寶生態園區,區內水鳥生態                                           biggest  in  Taiwan.  The  Fubao  Ecological
                                                                                   Park  located  on  the  wetlands  is  the  home
                                                                                   of various water birds and a famous tourist
            景點,福興工業區則吸引許多廠商設廠。                                                     attraction. The "Fuxing Barn" is designated as
                                                                                   a historic site and is also a tourist attraction.
                                                                                   The Fuxing Industrial Park has attracted many
                                                                                   manufacturers to settle in.

                                                                                   Fuxing/Seawall Painting
                   Fuxing Township                                                                                           25
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