Page 30 - 彰化縣議會第20屆議會簡介_電子書
P. 30
2 第 2 選區議員簡介 Election District 2 Councilor
Xiushui Township
議員 Councilor
秀水/乳牛養殖 Xiushui/Dairy Farming
秀水鄉 Xiushui Township Shih, Pei-Yu
秀水鄉酪農業非常發達,農產以稻米、蜜雪棗、小 鹿港鎮 Lukang Township
番茄、豌豆最為有名,每年舉辦金陵風箏花海節,5種 出生 民國73年
繽紛色澤的拼盤花海,宛如置身世外桃源。益源古厝為 學歷 淡江大學
臺灣三大古厝之一,還有全臺唯一的五金博物館,來此 經歷 鹿港義警分隊副分隊長
遊玩不管從視覺、味覺到觸覺都可深度感受到秀水的在 鹿港紫極殿文教基金會執行長
地精采故事。 黨籍 無黨籍
Year of Birth
Xiushui has a flourishing dairy farming. Rice,
sweet jujubes, cherry tomatoes, and peas are the most .1984
famous agricultural products. In the annual Jinling Kite Education
and Sea of Flowers Festival, flowers in 5 different colors .Tamkang University
are ingeniously arranged to create the image of an Experience
ethereal wonderland. In addition to the unique hardware
museum, Yiyuan Historic Mansion is one of the top three .Vice Captain, Lukang Volunteer Police Branch
old houses in Taiwan. Your trip to Xiushui will make you .CEO, Lukang Zijidian Educational Foundation
immerse deeply in the wonderful local stories.
Political Party