Page 78 - 彰化縣議會第20屆議會簡介_電子書
P. 78

組織                      Council System

                  本會置議長、副議長各一人,由全體議                                    The Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Council are
                                                                  elected separately through open ballots by all councilors
                                                                  after their inaugurations. The Speaker handles the council.
                                                                  In case the Speaker can't execute his duty, the Deputy
             代理。議長、副議長同時不能執行職務時,在                                 Speaker should act for him. If the Speaker and the Deputy

             會期內,由議員於三日內互推一人代理之;如                                 Speaker could not perform their duties at the same time,
                                                                  then the councilors may elect one of them in 3 days. If it
                                                                  happens in recess, councilors should hold a provisional
             人代理之;屆期未互推產生者,由資深議員一                                 meeting  to elect a deputy. Should they fail, councilor with

             人代理,年資相同時,由年長者代理。                                    most terms in the council would be the deputy. If councilors
                                                                  with the same terms of service in the council, then the most
                                                                  senior one would be the deputy.
                                                                    All the councilors are elected by the county's constituents.

               舉區繼續居住四個月以上者,依法為選舉人。                                   According to the electoral law, R.O.C. citizens who are 20
                                                                    years old or above and have at least 4 months residence
                                                                    in the election district of the county, will be electors.
                                                                      Electors, who are 23 years old or above could register
                 本屆議員名額依據「地方立法機關組織準則」                               to be the candidate of official position in their election

               第六條規定方式計算為54名,包括平地原住                                 districts.
                                                                      According to article 6 of the “local legislative organization
                                                                    criteria”, it regulates that there are 54 councilors this
                                                                    term, including one aboriginal and 11 seats of reserved


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