Page 69 - 彰化縣議會第19屆ebook211112
P. 69

              芳苑/王功漁港                                                        議員
              Fangyuan/Wang Gong Fishing Port

                                                                             Councilor  Xie, Yan-Hui

                      芳苑鄉 Fangyuan Townshipp                                 出生:民國63年

                       舊名「番仔挖」的芳苑鄉,緊鄰臺灣海峽,自然景                                經歷:
                   觀豐富,紅樹林、招潮蟹構築了潮間帶的特色。主要的                                  .二林鎮公所機要專員
                   特產以牡蠣、文蛤等水產養殖為主,蛋雞飼養則為國內                                  .儒林文教基金會執行長
                   首屈一指,全鄉飼養雞隻數高達全國第一。王功漁港則                                  .110年6月9日因案解職
                   是當地最為著名的景點,擁有醒目的王功燈塔作為地                                   Fangyuan Township
                                                                             Year of Birth:1974
                       Fangyuan  Township used to  b e call ed               Education: EMBA, National Changhua University
                   “Fanziwa”and borders the Taiwan Strait. It has beautiful             of Education
                   abundant natural landscape featuring in mangroves         Experience:
                   and fiddler crabs in the intertidal belt. Such aquacultural   .ErhlinTownship Office Executive Officer
                   products as oysters and clams are specialties. The        .CEO, Ru Lin Culture & Education Foundation
                   number of laying hens is second to none in Taiwan,        . Dismissal due to the case on June 9, 110
                   so is the number of chickens. Wanggong Fishing Port
                   is the most famous local scenic spot, with Wanggong
                   Lighthouse as an eye-catching landmark and “Fishing
                   Boat Lights of Wanggong” a can’t-miss scenery.

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